ID NOW found to be descriptive, in: World Trademark Law Report, April 5, 2024
Meta: no likelihood of confusion between two thumbs up, in: World Trademark Law Report, August 14, 2024
Federal Administrative Court confirms that figurative mark containing the word ‘Paris’ is deceptive (in: World Trademark Review, December 12, 2019)
Federal Administrative Court: No likelihood of confusion between IMPERIAL marks (in: World Trademark Review, September 25, 2018)
Yearbook 2017/2018, World Trademark Review, March 2017
International Comparative Legal Guide to: Copyright 2017 - Chapter Switzerland (together with Benedikt Schmidt), Global Legal Group Ltd.
CAMPAGNOLO and F.LLI CAMPAGNOLO not similar (in: World Trademark Review, October 5, 2016)
TEUTONIA found to be deceptive for goods not originating from Germany (in: World Trademark Review, September 29, 2015)
Lindt's 'Frog King' mark held to be distinctive for chocolate (in: World Trademark Review, July 21, 2015)
H&M's COS mark not confusingly similar to Greek island of Kos (in: World Trademark Review, March 26, 2015)
Chapter on Trademarks Practice in Switzerland (together with J David Meisser, in: World Trademark Report 2011, pp. 261 - 268, May 2011)
Trademark held to offend religious feelings (in: World Trademark Review, May 26, 2010)
RADIO SUISSE ROMANDE Has Become a Trademark (INTA Bulletin Vol. 65, No. 8, April 15, 2010)
Danone Fails to Obtain Transfer of the Domain Name (INTA Bulletin Vol. 65, No. 4, February 15, 2010)
Geographical Trademarks in Peril? Swiss Supreme Court Takes a Strict Approach (INTA Bulletin, Vol. 65, No. 3, February 1, 2010)
"Can a deceiving trademark element be neutralized through further elements? - Annotations to the Administrative Court Decision "AJC presented by Arizona girls (fig.)" (Kann ein an sich täuschendes Markenelement durch weitere Elemente neutralisiert werden? Anmerkungen zum Entscheid BVGer "AJC presented by Arizona girls (fig.)" (zusammen mit Benedikt Schmidt, sic! 2009, S. 626-644))
Lacoste fails to obtain transfer of '' (in: World Trademark Review, September 25, 2009)
UNOX held to imitate United Nations' protected name (in: World Trademark Review, December 08 2009)
"Is your trademark currently under genuine use? - Annotations to decision of the Administrative Court B-576/2009" (Wird Ihre Marke eigentlich rechtserhaltend benutzt? - Anmerkungen zu BVGer B-576/2009 (together with Benedikt Schmidt, Jusletter 19. October 2009))
IP protection comes to the fore in Switzerland (together with Benedikt Schmidt in: Building and enforcing intellectual property value 2008, pp. 185-188)
Country Chapter "Trademark Law in Switzerland" (together with David Meisser, in World Trademark Review Yearbook 2008, pp.309-318)
«» – Protection of non-registered signs denied (together with Benedikt Schmidt, Jusletter 15. September 2008)
The municipality of Miège falls into the UDRP-«trap» (Die Walliser Gemeinde Miège tappt in die UDRP- «piège» (together with Benedikt Schmidt, Jusletter 7. July 2008)
" remains in Thai posession" ( bleibt in thailändischem Besitz, together with Benedikt Schmidt, in: Jusletter 19. November 2007)
Swiss trade marks practice on misleading geographical indications (Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2008, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 262-268)
CHOCO STARS is descriptive, but LEMON STAR isn't, together with Benedikt Schmidt, in: World Trademark Law Report, October 16, 2007
"Overview of the current Swiss jurisprudence in traffic law" (Übersicht über die aktuelle Rechtsprechung im schweizerischen Strassenverkehrsrecht, together with Danae Sonderegger, in: DAR Deutches Autorecht, Rechtszeitschrift des ADAC, October 2007, Issue 10, pp. 568 - 573
Annotations to the decision 4C.341/2005 of March 6, 2007 of the Swiss Supreme Court concerning Art. 5(3) Lugano Convention, in: Medialex 3 / 2007, pp. 149 - 150
Opposition to 6AZ hit for six, in: World Trademark Law Report, September 4, 2007
"State sovereignty vs establishment of the truth in international criminal law: The case of Schröder and subpoena of high ranked state functionaries before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Staatssouveränität vs. Wahrheitsfindung im Völkerstrafrecht: Der Fall Schröder und die Vorladung von hohen Staatsfunktionären vor das Internationale Strafgericht für das ehemalige Jugoslawien, together with Simon Meisenberg, in: SZIER 1 / 2007, August 2007, pp. 39 - 64)
AMERICAN BEAUTY descriptive, not a geographical indication, in: World Trademark Law Report, June 26, 2007
BELLAGIO not viewed as geographical indication, states Administrative Court, in: World Trademark Law Report, June 8, 2007
"Means against defamatory domain-names" (Mittel gegen rufschädigende Domain-Namen, Lex Dossier, in: Handelszeitung, May 23, 2007, p. 19)
Swiss Supreme Court examines domain name jurisdiction issues, in: World Trademark Law Report, May 16, 2007
Country Chapter on Trademarks Practice in Switzerland, together with J David Meisser, in: World Trademark Report 2007, pp. 309 - 318, May 2007
Online application filing fees reduced again, in: World Trademark Law Report, April 18, 2007
Rights in mark need not predate domain name registration under UDRP, in: World Trademark Law Report, March 19, 2007
CHAMP confusingly similar to champagne in Switzerland - but not in France, in: World Trademark Law Report, January 31, 2007
Interests of ARIEL mark owner outweigh those of same name individual, in: World Trademark Law Report, December 12, 2006
Foreign cheese producers may not challenge protection of EMMENTALER, in: World Trademark Law Report, November 23, 2006
Trademark fees slashed to make IP protection more attractive, in: World Trademark Law Report, October 17, 2006
COLORADO goods must come from the United States, together with J David Meisser, in: World Trademark Law Report, September 13, 2006
«Zombie»-movies in the light of Art. 135 Swiss Criminal Code («Zombie»-Filme im Lichte von Art. 135 StGB, in: Jusletter, September 25, 2006)
Swiss government settles disputes over domain names, in: World Trademark Law Report, September 13, 2006
"The burden to challenge in the Civil Proceeding" (Die Bestreitungslast im Zivilprozess, together with Danae Sonderegger, in: SJZ, Issue 18, September 2006)
"Introduction of an owner liability in the Swiss road traffic: Permissibility and limitations" (Einführung einer Halterhaftung im schweizerischen Strassenverkehr: Zulässigkeit und Grenzen, in: AJP, April 2006, pp. 501 - 505)
Grenzüberschreitend begangene Strassenverkehrsübertretungen zwischen der Schweiz und Deutschland, January 31, 2006, Centaurus Publishing House
"The (theoretical) prosecution of child soldiers in the civil war of Sierra Leone by the Special Tribunal" (Die (theoretische) Bestrafung von Kindersoldaten im Bürgerkrieg Sierra Leones durch den Sonderstrafgerichtshof in Sierra Leone, in: Jusletter, January 30, 2006)
"The Prosecution and exculpating facts in international criminal law" (Die Anklagebehörde und entlastende Momente im Völkerstrafrecht, in: Jusletter, December 12, 2005)
"The participation of investigators of the defendant on hearings in camera - ICTR follows the ICTY practice" (Teilnahme von Ermittlern der Verteidigung an Verhandlungen unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit - ICTR folgt der ICTY Rechtsprechung, in: Jusletter, October 24, 2005)
"The ICTY jurisprudence to the right of the indicted to defend himself" (Die ICTY-Rechtsprechung zum Recht des Angeklagten, sich selbst zu verteidigen, in: Jusletter September 12, 2005)
"The case of Stanisic - Conditions of a preliminary parole in the light of the ICTY practice" (Der Fall Stanisic - Voraussetzungen einer vorläufigen Haftentlassung im Lichte der ICTY Rechtsprechung, in: Jusletter, August 29, 2005)
While Meisser & Partners AG has made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate, the firm cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the content of this website or for the results of its use. Links are provided for informational purposes only and are accessed at the user’s own risk.